Covid Pandemic (Year One)

Wow. It's been a year since the Covid outbreak was declared a pandemic. Definitely did not think it would last more than a couple months. It's been tougher than I'd like to admit, but could've been worse, so I'm thankful I've been able to survive the year (with no health issues) and grateful I was able to keep my head above water this whole time.

Unfortunately, it is still ongoing and the end is nowhere in sight (thanks to our so-called leaders making very poor decisions, and disillusioned individuals so blinded by hatred they can't see past their own stupidity).

It's been nearly one year (next week) that I've been to my main job (primary source of income) but I've been blessed with a salary to help me through this time. It's enable me to survive, and I was actually able to not have to use my savings ... until recently. Ouch.

I was already pretty much a germaphobe (like, really, people are kinda nasty) and homebody before the pandemic, so not too much changed for me.  The hard part was not being able to do what little I had been doing.  Cabin fever and depression set in, and MY HAIR FELL OUT.  (MENTAL HEALTH IS SO IMPORTANT NOW!)

Surprisingly, I've only been in ONE Zoom meeting.

I began walking more (but that didn't last too long).

I lost weight (and managed to gain that back).

In January 2020 I found out I have CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 4, which put me in that category of, well, you know, so I had to be very careful. So far, so good. I'm a little better (my numbers are better than when I was hospitalized).

And I finally got a cat (mentioned in a previous post).

Here we go with Year Two...

HOW WAS YOUR YEAR?? (Leave a comment!)


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