To Job Hunt or Work from Home... or Both?

There is something to be said about just going with your gut. That's what I should've done last July. Here's the story.

I was laid off from a law firm at the end of May after over three years of working due to just plain cuts and whatever management's other excuses were at the time. Note: They had been laying people off for more than a year here and there at that point. The money earned there was decent enough that I didn't have to supplement income by transcribing or working from home.

I went back to transcribing, even working as a contractor for a previous employer (probably best decision of the year) and transcribed reports for a former coworker while his usual typist was away.

At the same time, I looked for a "regular" job. I was offered a position that I did not want to accept. The pay was a cut from the job at the law firm, I didn't like the area and did not like the feel of the office. On my way to the interview in the morning, traffic was a nightmare, so I called to say I would not make it, and arranged to go in the afternoon. I went even though I really did not want to.

Well, I got the job, did the drug test thing (even let that sit for a couple hours before just going), then started. Why I went the second day I don't know. I liked my actual duties (data entry, scheduling drug screenings) in the beginning. The atmosphere was like working in a high school classroom almost. You know, when students start talking when the teacher leaves the room? There was no cleaning service that came in, so garbage collects throughout the week. This leads to the "break room" having a smell (not a particularly good one).

Then I was told I was doing well but not well enough. Okay. So, this was perfect. They will get rid of me soon. Nope. Eventually, I was training someone. Great, a replacement. I dropped little hints that "you'll have to be able to multitask doing this and that because I won't be here."

At this point, I knew I wouldn't be there much longer and made a decision that if they did not get rid of me by a certain date, I would leave before Christmas. Thank you, Jesus. This plays into what I have felt for years. If you are not happy at a job, get out. You should not be going somewhere every day that you have no desire to go to.

So, here we are. Well, I am not really back to job hunting, as I never really stopped. I missed out on two opportunities feeling stuck somewhere I did not wish to be. Right at the time I made my decision to leave (seriously, within the hour I think) I got an email with the subject More Work Going Forward. When one door closes...

 As I am waiting on this to start, I am looking at jobs, sending resumes and bidding on projects. Hey, this is what I do. Years ago I wanted to switch to permanently working from home but abandoned that idea. So, now the question is should I revisit that option? Should I get a "regular" job (that would provide needed stability), or do both, which is what the workaholic in me will probably end up doing anyway?


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